Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Catching up...

I am so sorry about being a day behind on the Vintage Pic of the day post. It's been a busy week thus far, and today is an extremely long day for me, as I have my film class to attend after leaving the grind.

We're scheduled to watch Scarface (1932) tonight. Never seen even though I know my energy level will be reaching its low peak by the time the movie starts, I'm looking forward to watching it. Red Buuulll-A here I come ;)

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the pictures I picked for yesterday's post. The first one is a picture of a gorgeous little girl ( It think) holding her adorable little brother. Aren't they darling?!  The second is a candid snapshot  family portrait which I absolutely love! Mom is doting on her little cherub who is not a very happy camper, and Dad is having a grand ol' time with his little doll. So very precious!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Scarface... GOOD STUFF! And the pictures of the original "Godfather" are great! I'm really looking forward to hearing about what you think about the movie!